
Fappiano is an emerging American artist based in Mexico City, where she passionately creates from her studio. Her artistic journey took root while pursuing Cultural Anthropology at Smith College in Massachusetts, a transformative period that sparked her exploration of painting in the latter stages of her college career.

Inspired by her background in anthropology and the tradition of exvotos, Fappiano’s art is a reflection of her deep-seated fascination with cultural narratives and personal expression. Centered around the theme of disobedience, her work employs a playful approach to examine the intricate dynamics of gender construction and identity. Through vibrant colors and evocative symbolism, she challenges hegemonic beauty standards, exposing the fragile underpinnings of individual and societal insecurities.

Each piece serves as a visual narrative, blending elements of introspection and rebellion to provoke thought and dialogue. Fappiano invites viewers to reconsider established norms and embrace the complexities of human experience, drawing inspiration from both her academic background and the rich artistic heritage of exvotos.


2015 Smith College, Northampton Massachusetts

Bachelor of Anthropology, Minor in Studio Art


2021 Cultural Center – Casa Contra la Cultura

Queretaro, Mexico


“Mis monstruos hermosos”, una obra pictórica contra los estereotipos Diario de Queretaro

Exponen en la Galería Libertad sobre la ironía de la realidad Codice Informativo, Queretaro

Casa de la Contra Cultura prepara exposición pictórica de Courtney Fappiano Codice Informativo, Queretaro

Galería Libertad Querétaro presenta exposiciones sobre la ironía de la realidad Crónica Regional

Exponen en la Galería Libertad sobre la ironía de la realidad Queretanizate

Exposición: Mis monstruos hermosos Lider Empresarial

Cultura: Mis monstruos hermosos, dar voz a quienes no la tienen a través del arte Tribuna de Queretaro

Inauguran la primera temporada de exposiciones en la Galería Libertad Noticias de Queretaro


2024 Mujeres en el Arte

Factible Galeria, Mexico City

2023 Cultura y Identidad

Amoxtli Galeria, Mexico City

2022 Diarios del Cuerpo

Centro de Arte Bernardo Quintana Arrioja, Queretaro

2022 Mis Monstruos Hermosos

Galeria Libertad, Queretaro, Mexico

2021 ContraTiempos

Casa Contra la Cultura, Queretaro, Mexico